- I have run the benchmarks heston32, OptionPricing, backprop, lavaMD, nw and lud on gpu04 and saved the results
- I can create a graph of the results
- It's not pretty, as the differences in performance are too small to notice.
- I still have to add bfast, but I need to know what datasets I should use.
- I should probably only have both invariant and variant tune results when there's actually a difference, like in LUD.
Running on gpu03
It seems like bfast does not run on gpu03?
$ make mkdir -p results FUTHARK_INCREMENTAL_FLATTENING=1 bin/futhark bench \ --backend=opencl --no-tuning --json results/bfast-untuned.json benchmarks/bfast.fut Compiling benchmarks/bfast.fut... Reporting average runtime of 10 runs for each dataset. Results for benchmarks/bfast.fut: bfast-data/sahara.in: 74789μs (RSD: 0.025; min: -1%; max: +7%) mkdir -p tunings results FUTHARK_INCREMENTAL_FLATTENING=1 /usr/bin/time -f '%e' -o results/bfast-opentuner.tunetime \ ./futhark-autotune \ --futhark-bench="bin/futhark bench" \ --compiler="bin/futhark opencl" \ --stop-after 2400 \ --test-limit 10000000 \ --bail-threshold=5000 \ --save-json tunings/bfast-opentuner.json \ benchmarks/bfast.fut Compiling benchmarks/bfast.fut... Done. Extracting threshold parameters and values... Command 'bin/futhark bench benchmarks/bfast.fut --exclude-case=notune --backend=opencl --skip-compilation --pass-option=-L --runs=1 --json=/tmp/tmp5OTQE4' failed: make: *** [tunings/bfast-opentuner.json] Error 1 $ bin/futhark bench benchmarks/bfast.fut --exclude-case=notune --backend=opencl --skip-compilation --pass-option=-L --runs=1 Reporting average runtime of 1 runs for each dataset. Results for benchmarks/bfast.fut (using bfast.fut.tuning): bfast-data/sahara.in: benchmarks/bfast failed with error code 1 and output: Using platform: NVIDIA CUDA Using device: GeForce GTX 780 Ti Lockstep width: 32 Default group size: 256 Default number of groups: 60 Compared main.suff_outer_par_5 <= 67968. Compared main.suff_intra_par_6 <= 57. Compared main.suff_outer_par_15 <= 543744. Compared main.suff_outer_par_16 <= 4349952. Compared main.suff_intra_par_12 <= 128. Compared main.suff_outer_par_10 <= 543744. Compared main.suff_outer_par_9 <= 543744. Compared main.suff_outer_par_8 <= 28138752. ./benchmarks/bfast: benchmarks/bfast.c:6055: OpenCL call opencl_alloc(&ctx->opencl, size, desc, &block->mem) failed with error code -4 (Memory object allocation failure)