Let's try to figure out how option pricing works, and why the Futhark version needs so many buffers.
As described previously, Cosmin and I tried to go through the generated code, but it was hard to keep track of and compare it with the hand-written code. Instead, we'll try to simplify the Futhark-version sufficiently such that we can see what's going.
Double-buffer problems
However, here is one problem that's causing us to use extra memory allocations: Double buffering. Because double buffering inserts happens at the end of the kernel, we can have cases where something that needs to be written to the double-buffer is kept alive unnecessarily long. It looks like this:
let x_mem = alloc(...) let x_res = ... -- something else let x_res_double_buffer = copy(x_res)
If we could somehow move the copy to x_res_double_buffer
up, x_mem
be free to be used for something else.
Okay, let's try to make sense of what's going on here.
__kernel void payoffGPU( __constant LoopROScalars* ro_scal, // RO SCALARS __constant int* sobol_v_dir, // RO SOBOL __constant UCHAR* fix_index, // RO Brownian Bridge __constant int* bb_ia, __constant REAL* bb_coefs, // RO MODELS DATA __constant REAL* model_coefs, // WO (GLOBAL) VHAT __global REAL* model_vhat, // LOCAL ARRAYS __local REAL* md_z, //__local REAL* inst_trajWF, __local REAL* vhat_local ) {
Here's the definition of the main payoff function. Most of the arguments are
read-only constants. There is one global array, model_vhat
, and two local
(shared) arrays, md_z
and vhat_local
By inspecting the kernel, we can see that model_vhat
is only ever written
to at the very end, so it must contain the result of running the kernel.
It looks like vhat_local
is primarily used when running
. I reason that it's used as a result buffer. Afterwards, a
segmented scan is performed on vhat_local
and it is written to
The md_z
shared array is used as a result buffer for the call to
, which computes the brownian
bridge. The result is then used to compute trajWF
We conclude that these three allocations have rather limited use, and no re-use takes place at all.
Now, there are further arrays in use in the payoffGPU
int sobol_last_num_vec[15];//UINT[ro_scal->sobol_dim]; REAL md_zd [15]; //[ro_scal->sobol_dim];
Each of these are private arrays to each execution unit, although the compiler will probably expand those automatically, so they correspond to shared memory. Let's see what they are used for.
Fairly quickly, it can be seen that sobol_last_num_vec
is only ever used
as an intermediate array in the calls to mlfi_genmatrix_uniformGPUind
friends. The results are never used at any later point, and neither is
, or at least the memory it's allocated in, is used extensively
throughout the kernel, both in those calls to
and friends, which explains why we must have
both md_zd
and sobol_last_num_vec
1. It is first used in
and friends as a result buffer, then in
as both an input and result buffer and finally
in mlfi_brownianbridge_wiener_pathNoTransGPU
as an input buffer. Then
something interesting happens:
REAL* trajWF = md_zd;
The memory mdzd is in, is reused for the trajWF
array! trajWF
is filled
with numbers computed using md_z
and the result is used as an input array
to payoffFunction
In conclusion, there are 5 interesting arrays in the
kernel from GenericPricingPrivOpt.cl
is the result buffer for the whole kernel. Resides in global memory.vhat_local
is the result buffer for thepayoffFunction
. Resides in shared memory.md_z
is the result buffer formlfi_brownianbridge_wiener_pathNoTransGPU
. Resides in shared memory.sobol_last_num_vec
is an intermediate array used insidemlfi_genmatrix_uniformGPUind
. It is private to each execution unit, but expanded to reside in shared memory.md_zd
(and the co-locatedtrajWF
) is used for various things throughout the kernel as a result and intermediate buffer.Now, the interesting question is: why are there so many buffers used in the Futhark implementation, if this is all we need?
TODO Figure out which, if any, arrays in the kernel output of OptionPricing.fut correspond to model_vhat
, md_z
and vhat_local
Let's take a look at the code generated from OptionPricing.fut using the command. Note that we're not reusing allocations here, just to keep it simple.
futhark-reuse-allocations dev --kernels -a -e --cse -e --double-buffer -e --cse -e OptionPricing.fut | bat -l fut
To start with, I've removed everything after the creation of sobol_mat
1: ... 2: let sobol_mat = map_stream (\chunk (ns: [chunk]i32): [chunk][sobvctsz]f32 -> 3: sobolChunk dir_vs (#[unsafe] ns[0]) chunk) 4: (iota num_mc_it) 5: in sobol_mat |> flatten
Inspecting the resulting code, we see there are a number of allocations inside the kernels:
1: ... 2: let {mem mem_7497} = alloc(size_7496) 3: ... 4: let {mem@local mem_7468} = alloc(bytes_7466, @local) 5: ... 6: let {mem@local mem_7472} = alloc(bytes_7466, @local) 7: ...
The two last memory bloks are used as shared memory within a single
kernel. Perhaps they correspond to the md_zd
and sobol_last_num_vec
the OpenCL kernel?
The Futhark version of the Sobol generators seem much more complicated than the OpenCL version. What's going on there? Hm, maybe it's not so bad…
Okay, what happens if we introduce the gaussian transformation?
1: let sobol_mat = map_stream (\chunk (ns: [chunk]i32): [chunk][sobvctsz]f32 -> 2: sobolChunk dir_vs (#[unsafe] ns[0]) chunk) 3: (iota num_mc_it) 4: let gauss_mat = map ugaussian sobol_mat 5: in gauss_mat |> flatten
Seems like there are no additional allocations happening. That's good. Let's
try brownian. Okay, that seems to cause a new allocation to happen, inside a
that handles the brownian bridge. That sounds about right,
the mlfi_brownianbridge_wiener_pathNoTransGPU
function from the OpenCL
implementation also uses an additional allocation: md_z
Next is payoffs
1: let sobol_mat = map_stream (\chunk (ns: [chunk]i32): [chunk][sobvctsz]f32 -> 2: sobolChunk dir_vs (#[unsafe] ns[0]) chunk) 3: (iota num_mc_it) 4: let gauss_mat = map ugaussian sobol_mat 5: let bb_mat = map (brownianBridge num_und bb_inds bb_data) gauss_mat 6: let payoffs = #[incremental_flattening(only_intra)] 7: map (\bb_row: [num_models]f32 -> 8: let bd_row = map4 (blackScholes bb_row) md_cs md_vols md_drifts md_sts 9: in map3 (genericPayoff contract_number) md_discts md_detvals bd_row) 10: bb_mat 11: in payoffs |> flatten
I added the incremental flattening attribute to reduce the total amount of code that I have to look at. I believe this is the interesting kernel anyway.
A lot happens to the generated code after adding those few lines. I count 6
new allocations inside kernels (most of them @local
). Ah, perhaps some of
those are caused by incremental flattening. There are multiple different
Although, now that I look at it, it really seems like it should be possible to only use one buffer in those functions. The simplest one looks like this:
inline void mlfi_genmatrix_uniformGPUrecOpt( UINT f_ind, __constant LoopROScalars* ro_scal, __constant int* sobol_v_dir, int* sobol_last_num_vec, REAL* md_zd) { UINT j; UINT sob_dim = ro_scal->num_under * ro_scal->num_dates; f_ind *= sob_dim; for(j=0; j < sob_dim; j++) { sobol_last_num_vec[j] ^= sobol_v_dir[ f_ind + j ]; //f_ind * sob_dim md_zd[j] = sobol_last_num_vec[j] * ro_scal->sob_norm_fact; } }
I think it should be possible to rewrite it like this:
inline void mlfi_genmatrix_uniformGPUrecOpt( UINT f_ind, __constant LoopROScalars* ro_scal, __constant int* sobol_v_dir, int* sobol_last_num_vec, REAL* md_zd) { UINT j; UINT sob_dim = ro_scal->num_under * ro_scal->num_dates; f_ind *= sob_dim; for(j=0; j < sob_dim; j++) { md_zd[j] ^= sobol_v_dir[ f_ind + j ]; //f_ind * sob_dim md_zd[j] = md_zd[j] * ro_scal->sob_norm_fact; } }
Also, are we really using uninitialized values in sobol_last_num_vec
One of the other functions looks like this:
void mlfi_genmatrix_uniformGPUind ( UINT seq_count, __constant LoopROScalars* ro_scal, __constant int* sobol_v_dir, int* sobol_last_num_vec, REAL* md_zd ) { UINT j, k, gs, gv_k = 0; seq_count += 1; gs = seq_count >> 1; gs = seq_count ^ gs; UINT sob_dim = ro_scal->num_under * ro_scal->num_dates; for( j = 0; j < sob_dim; j++ ) sobol_last_num_vec[j] = 0; for( k = 0; k < ro_scal->sobol_bits; ++k ) { if(gs & 1) { __constant int* dir_vect = sobol_v_dir + k*sob_dim; for( j=0; j < sob_dim; j++ ) { // xor term g_k * v_k to direction i sobol_last_num_vec[j] ^= dir_vect[j]; } } gs = gs >> 1; } for( j = 0; j < sob_dim; j++ ) { md_zd[j] = sobol_last_num_vec[j] * ro_scal->sob_norm_fact; } }
It's more complicated, but at least it doesn't look like it's using
uninitialized values of sobol_last_num_vec
. It still seems like it should be
possible to avoid that extra allocation of md_zd