Reading the S-expression based IR
So, I can now produce sexps for programs like my psum.fut
example. Here's
for reference:
1: let psum = scan (+) 0 2: 3: let main (xss: [][]i32) = 4: #[incremental_flattening(only_intra)] 5: map (psum >-> psum >-> psum) 6: xss
And here is the generated sexps:
(prog () ((fundef (just ((typedirect) (typedirect))) {} main ((memarray int32 (ShapeBase ((ext 0) (ext 1))) unique (returnsnewblock defaultspace 2 (ixfun ((lmad (valueexp (i32 0)) ((lmaddim (leafexp (ext 1) int32) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp (ext 0) int32) 0 inc) (lmaddim (valueexp (i32 1)) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp (ext 1) int32) 1 inc)))) ((leafexp (ext 0) int32) (leafexp (ext 1) int32)) true)))) ((param xss_mem_759 (memmem defaultspace)) (param impl₀_245 (memprim int32)) (param impl₁_246 (memprim int32)) (param xss_247 (memarray int32 (ShapeBase (impl₀_245 impl₁_246)) nonunique (arrayin xss_mem_759 (ixfun ((lmad (valueexp (i32 0)) ((lmaddim (leafexp impl₁_246 int32) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp impl₀_245 int32) 0 inc) (lmaddim (valueexp (i32 1)) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp impl₁_246 int32) 1 inc)))) ((leafexp impl₀_245 int32) (leafexp impl₁_246 int32)) true))))) (body nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt binop_x_774 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {(comp incremental_flattening ((atom only_intra)))} nil) (basicop (convop (sext int32 int64) impl₀_245))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt binop_y_775 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {(comp incremental_flattening ((atom only_intra)))} nil) (basicop (convop (sext int32 int64) impl₁_246))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt binop_x_776 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {(comp incremental_flattening ((atom only_intra)))} nil) (basicop (binop (mul int64 undef) binop_x_774 binop_y_775))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt bytes_773 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {(comp incremental_flattening ((atom only_intra)))} nil) (basicop (binop (mul int64 undef) (i64 4) binop_x_776))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt mem_777 (memmem defaultspace)))) (stmaux () {(comp incremental_flattening ((atom only_intra)))} nil) (op (alloc bytes_773 defaultspace))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt binop_x_763 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (subexp binop_y_775))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt bytes_762 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (binop (mul int64 undef) (i64 4) binop_y_775))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt binop_x_767 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (subexp binop_y_775))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt bytes_766 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (subexp bytes_762))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt binop_x_771 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (subexp binop_y_775))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt bytes_770 (memprim int64)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (subexp bytes_762))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt res_408 (memarray int32 (ShapeBase (impl₀_245 impl₁_246)) NoUniqueness (arrayin mem_777 (ixfun ((lmad (valueexp (i32 0)) ((lmaddim (leafexp impl₁_246 int32) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp impl₀_245 int32) 0 inc) (lmaddim (valueexp (i32 1)) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp impl₁_246 int32) 1 inc)))) ((leafexp impl₀_245 int32) (leafexp impl₁_246 int32)) true)))))) (stmaux () {(comp incremental_flattening ((atom only_intra)))} nil) (op (inner (segop (segmap (seggroup (count impl₀_245) (count impl₁_246) novirt) (segspace phys_tid_305 ((gtid_292 impl₀_245))) ((array int32 (ShapeBase (impl₁_246)) NoUniqueness)) (kernelbody nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt mem_764 (memmem (space "local"))))) (stmaux () {} nil) (op (alloc bytes_762 (space "local")))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt resarr0_415 (memarray int32 (ShapeBase (impl₁_246)) NoUniqueness (arrayin mem_764 (ixfun ((lmad (valueexp (i32 0)) ((lmaddim (valueexp (i32 1)) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp impl₁_246 int32) 0 inc)))) ((leafexp impl₁_246 int32)) true)))))) (stmaux () {} nil) (op (inner (segop (segscan (segthred (count impl₀_245) (count impl₁_246) novirt) (segspace phys_tid_296 ((gtid_295 impl₁_246))) ((segbinop noncommutative (lambdat ((param x_416 (memprim int32)) (param x_417 (memprim int32))) (body nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt res_418 (memprim int32)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (binop (add int32 wrap) x_416 x_417)))) (res_418)) (int32)) ((i32 0)) (ShapeBase ()))) (int32) (kernelbody nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt x_419 (memprim int32)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (index xss_247 (gtid_292 gtid_295))))) ((returns maysimplify x_419)))))))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt mem_768 (memmem (space "local"))))) (stmaux () {} nil) (op (alloc bytes_762 (space "local")))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt resarr0_425 (memarray int32 (ShapeBase (impl₁_246)) NoUniqueness (arrayin mem_768 (ixfun ((lmad (valueexp (i32 0)) ((lmaddim (valueexp (i32 1)) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp impl₁_246 int32) 0 inc)))) ((leafexp impl₁_246 int32)) true)))))) (stmaux () {} nil) (op (inner (segop (segscan (segthred (count impl₀_245) (count impl₁_246) novirt) (segspace phys_tid_298 ((gtid_297 impl₁_246))) ((segbinop noncommutative (lambdat ((param x_426 (memprim int32)) (param x_427 (memprim int32))) (body nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt res_428 (memprim int32)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (binop (add int32 wrap) x_426 x_427)))) (res_428)) (int32)) ((i32 0)) (ShapeBase ()))) (int32) (kernelbody nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt x_429 (memprim int32)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (index resarr0_415 (gtid_297))))) ((returns maysimplify x_429)))))))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt mem_772 (memmem (space "local"))))) (stmaux () {} nil) (op (alloc bytes_762 (space "local")))) (stm (patternt () ((patelemt resarr0_434 (memarray int32 (ShapeBase (impl₁_246)) NoUniqueness (arrayin mem_772 (ixfun ((lmad (valueexp (i32 0)) ((lmaddim (valueexp (i32 1)) (valueexp (i32 0)) (leafexp impl₁_246 int32) 0 inc)))) ((leafexp impl₁_246 int32)) true)))))) (stmaux () {} nil) (op (inner (segop (segscan (segthred (count impl₀_245) (count impl₁_246) novirt) (segspace phys_tid_300 ((gtid_299 impl₁_246))) ((segbinop noncommutative (lambdat ((param x_435 (memprim int32)) (param x_436 (memprim int32))) (body nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt res_437 (memprim int32)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (binop (add int32 wrap) x_435 x_436)))) (res_437)) (int32)) ((i32 0)) (ShapeBase ()))) (int32) (kernelbody nil ((stm (patternt () ((patelemt x_438 (memprim int32)))) (stmaux () {} nil) (basicop (index resarr0_425 (gtid_299))))) ((returns maysimplify x_438))))))))) ((returns maysimplify resarr0_434))))))))) (impl₀_245 impl₁_246 mem_777 res_408)))))
It's…. rather large. The pretty-printer doesn't do a very good job of being conscise, and there are multiple opportunities for improvements:
doesn't need to be marked as aBasicOp
. For instance, instead of(basicop (index resarr0_415 (gtid_297)))
, it should suffice to say(index resarr0_415 (gtid_297))
.- Variant names can be improved. In many places, I've just called them the
lowercase of their variant name. But
could reasonably be shortened toprim
, for instance. - Some cases with thin wrappers like
are unnecessarily verbose. For instance,(count impl₁_246)
could be simplified to justimpl₁_246
. - Some names are ugly.
could be eitherlambda-t
. Same forpatelemt
. segthred
is a typo.- Some symbols are camel-case, like
. All names should follow a standardized format. - This is overly verbose:
(basicop (binop (add int32 wrap) x_416 x_417))
. Supposedly, it could be simplified to just(add int32 wrap x_416 x_417)
or(add x_416 x_417 :type int32 :overflow wrap)
or something like that.
But the important thing right now is that it works.
Before I fix all those niceties above, I want to make sure I can actually read
the program back in. I'll need to amend futhark dev
for that, though I'm not
sure exactly how.
Futhark dev
As of a4b40bb, I can read and write S-expressions using futhark dev