Yesterday, and the plan for today
Yesterday I worked on the linear scan, but I didn't get very far. I'll continue today.
Linear Scan, part 2
Okay, what is the problem I'm having?
Consider the following program:
let psum = scan (+) 0 let main (xss: [][]i32) = map (psum >-> psum >-> psum) xss
When compiled with futhark-0.16.1 dev --kernels -a
, we get the following
intra-group version IR:
let {i32 num_threads_766} = mul_nw32(impl₀_245, impl₁_246) let {i64 binop_x_780} = sext i32 impl₀_245 to i64 let {i64 binop_y_781} = sext i32 impl₁_246 to i64 let {i64 binop_x_782} = mul_nw64(binop_x_780, binop_y_781) let {i64 bytes_779} = mul_nw64(binop_x_782, 4i64) let {mem mem_783} = alloc(bytes_779) -- res_409 : [impl₀_245][impl₁_246]i32@@mem_783-> -- {base: [impl₀_245, impl₁_246]; contiguous: True; LMADs: [{offset: 0i32; -- strides: [impl₁_246, 1i32]; -- rotates: [0i32, 0i32]; -- shape: [impl₀_245, impl₁_246]; -- permutation: [0, 1]; -- monotonicity: [Inc, Inc]}]} let {[impl₀_245][impl₁_246]i32 res_409} = segmap_group (#groups=impl₀_245; groupsize=impl₁_246) (gtid_292 < impl₀_245) (~phys_tid_305) : {[impl₁_246]i32} { let {i32 num_threads_767} = mul_nw32(impl₀_245, impl₁_246) let {i64 binop_x_769} = sext i32 impl₁_246 to i64 let {i64 bytes_768} = mul_nw64(binop_x_769, 4i64) let {mem@local mem_770} = alloc(bytes_768, @local) -- resarr0_416 : [impl₁_246]i32@@mem_770-> -- {base: [impl₁_246]; contiguous: True; LMADs: [{offset: 0i32; strides: [1i32]; -- rotates: [0i32]; -- shape: [impl₁_246]; -- permutation: [0]; -- monotonicity: [Inc]}]} let {[impl₁_246]i32 resarr0_416} = segscan_thread (#groups=impl₀_245; groupsize=impl₁_246) ({{0i32}, [], fn {i32} (i32 x_417, i32 x_418) => let {i32 res_419} = add32(x_417, x_418) in {res_419}}) (gtid_295 < impl₁_246) (~phys_tid_296) : {i32} { let {i32 x_420} = xss_247[gtid_292, gtid_295] return {returns x_420} } let {i32 num_threads_771} = mul_nw32(impl₀_245, impl₁_246) let {i64 binop_x_773} = sext i32 impl₁_246 to i64 let {i64 bytes_772} = mul_nw64(binop_x_773, 4i64) let {mem@local mem_774} = alloc(bytes_772, @local) -- resarr0_426 : [impl₁_246]i32@@mem_774-> -- {base: [impl₁_246]; contiguous: True; LMADs: [{offset: 0i32; strides: [1i32]; -- rotates: [0i32]; -- shape: [impl₁_246]; -- permutation: [0]; -- monotonicity: [Inc]}]} let {[impl₁_246]i32 resarr0_426} = segscan_thread (#groups=impl₀_245; groupsize=impl₁_246) ({{0i32}, [], fn {i32} (i32 x_427, i32 x_428) => let {i32 res_429} = add32(x_427, x_428) in {res_429}}) (gtid_297 < impl₁_246) (~phys_tid_298) : {i32} { let {i32 x_430} = resarr0_416[gtid_297] return {returns x_430} } let {i32 num_threads_775} = mul_nw32(impl₀_245, impl₁_246) let {i64 binop_x_777} = sext i32 impl₁_246 to i64 let {i64 bytes_776} = mul_nw64(binop_x_777, 4i64) let {mem@local mem_778} = alloc(bytes_776, @local) -- resarr0_435 : [impl₁_246]i32@@mem_778-> -- {base: [impl₁_246]; contiguous: True; LMADs: [{offset: 0i32; strides: [1i32]; -- rotates: [0i32]; -- shape: [impl₁_246]; -- permutation: [0]; -- monotonicity: [Inc]}]} let {[impl₁_246]i32 resarr0_435} = segscan_thread (#groups=impl₀_245; groupsize=impl₁_246) ({{0i32}, [], fn {i32} (i32 x_436, i32 x_437) => let {i32 res_438} = add32(x_436, x_437) in {res_438}}) (gtid_299 < impl₁_246) (~phys_tid_300) : {i32} { let {i32 x_439} = resarr0_426[gtid_299] return {returns x_439} } return {returns resarr0_435} } in {mem_783, res_409}
Here, each segscan_thread
corresponds to an invocation of psum
in the
. You'll note that the memory block mem_770
and its associated array
are not used after the second segscanthread. This means that we
could get rid of the allocation of mem_778
and instead use mem_770
. So the resulting code should either look like this:
... let {mem@local mem_778} = mem_770 -- resarr0_435 : [impl₁_246]i32@@mem_778-> -- {base: [impl₁_246]; contiguous: True; LMADs: [{offset: 0i32; strides: [1i32]; -- rotates: [0i32]; -- shape: [impl₁_246]; -- permutation: [0]; -- monotonicity: [Inc]}]} let {[impl₁_246]i32 resarr0_435} = ...
Or like this:
... -- resarr0_435 : [impl₁_246]i32@@mem_770-> -- {base: [impl₁_246]; contiguous: True; LMADs: [{offset: 0i32; strides: [1i32]; -- rotates: [0i32]; -- shape: [impl₁_246]; -- permutation: [0]; -- monotonicity: [Inc]}]} let {[impl₁_246]i32 resarr0_435} = ...
I'm not quite sure which is best. I'm not even sure how we know what memory
block resarr0_434
resides in, or how to change that…
A complicating matter here, is that my last-use analysis doesn't correctly see
that a use of an array is also a use of the underlying memory allocation. For
instance, if resarr0_415
is used later on, the last-use reported for mem_889
would still be the line where resarr0_415
is initialized.
Okay, Troels says that it doesn't matter. If we do the first thing, it's going to be simplified into the second thing.
Cosmin suggested that I present some pseudocode so we can look at it together. In particular, he's interested in what data structures and such I think I need.
I've been banging on some code both today and yesterday, but I think I need to step back a bit and try to get a better understanding of what I need. Let's start with the brief description from last Friday and see if we can expand on it a bit:
- Walk through the program from top to bottom.
- Each time there is an allocation, do the following:
- Add any memory blocks/arrays past their last use since the last allocation was performed to the free list. Also add size information.
- Look through the free list for a suitably sized block for the current
allocation. If one exists, use it instead (perhaps by inserting a simple
let new = previous
statement), otherwise leave the allocation in place
We also want to look at each statement, in order to determine whether the pattern uses one of the blocks allocated so far.
So, for statements that are not allocs, analyse each element in the pattern to see if it lies in a memory block. If so, save the pair (Array VName, Memory block VName, size). Of course, we need to take into account aliasing of the VName.
Perhaps it is easier to apply the array as an alias to the memory block? No, aliases work the other way around. However, we could apply the memory block as an alias to the array. But I don't know if that would do us any good…
Okay, what do we do when we encounter a statement like this:
-- resarr0_416 : [impl₁_246]i32@@mem_770-> -- {base: [impl₁_246]; contiguous: True; LMADs: [{offset: 0i32; strides: [1i32]; -- rotates: [0i32]; -- shape: [impl₁_246]; -- permutation: [0]; -- monotonicity: [Inc]}]} let {[impl₁_246]i32 resarr0_416} = segscan_thread ...
We have already seen the allocation of mem_770
, so we know the SubExp
determining its size. Now we also know that mem_770
is used for the array
. With last-use analysis, we can also know when resarr0_416
is no
longer used, but only if the proper aliasing information has been applied. So,
in principle, we could add (mem_770, size, i)
to our freelist, meaning that
the memory block mem_770
of size size
is free after line i
Then, when we come upon an alloc of size s
on line j
, if j >= i && s <=
, replace the alloc with a simple let new = mem_770
What about blocks
We need to recurse into blocks somehow. However, the freelist we have (which
uses statement numbers of the surrounding code) doesn't work in there. We don't
know what line of code we're on in the surrounding context, and our free list of
(VName, SubExp, Int)
doesn't have the necessary information. Maybe we can use
some sort of Path = [Int]
to describe the path to the current location in the
code? For instance [2, 10, 1]
would indicate that we're on statement 2 within
the block starting in statement 10 within the block starting on statement 1 in
the outermost context. Maybe that could work for simple blocks, but it's not a
unique path descriptor for statements containing if
expressions, since they
have two blocks/branches within one statement.
Another idea is to bring in the freelist, but reset the line numbers
somehow. For instance, in the then
branch of an if
expression, we're only
interested in the elements of the outside freelist that are free before the
. We can initialise a new freelist inside the if
branches with the statement
number of those memory blocks set to 0 or -1. They are then free to be used within the
branch. However, we also need to perform last-use and aliasing analysis within
the new branch, and possibly extend the lifetime (change the statement number) of
some of those memory blocks that we brought in.
When returning from the branch, it's possible that we have to extend the
lifetime of some memory blocks that were used within. For instance, mem_123
was free when entering the if
statement, but now it is used within the then
branch. The pass on the then
branch returns the updated statements, but maybe also
the freelist? How do we use that freelist to update the surrounding freelist?
Let's try to write out an example.
1: let mem_1 = alloc(42) 2: let arr1@mem_1 = ... 3: 4: let x = reduce (+) 0 arr1 5: 6: let (mem_2, arr2@mem_2) = 7: if ... then 8: let mem_then = alloc(42) 9: let res_then@mem_then = map (* 2) (iota 42) 10: in (mem_then, res_then) 11: else 12: let mem_else = alloc(x) 13: let res_else = map (* 2) (iota x) 14: in (mem_then, res_else)
So, mem_1
is not used after line 4, but the then branch of the if
statement allocates a new array of the exact same size as arr1
, and could
therefore reuse mem_1
. We cannot say anything about the else-branch, so in
that case we probably need to leave the allocation as it is.
I need to remember that the result of a body (like the body of the then-branch) is not actually part of the statements, but a separate set of values.
So, when allocating mem_1
on line 1, we save the name and size in an
list. Then, when reaching the creation of arr1
on line 2, we add
the last-use number of arr1 (2 in this case, since the statement on line 4 has index
2 in the list of statements) and the size and name of the memory block to the
freelist. The free-list now contains (mem_1, 42, 2)
When reaching the creation of arr2
in the statement on line 6, we create
a new free-list containing (mem_1, 42, 0)
, because mem_1
is free to be used
inside the branches. Upon reaching line 8, we see that there is
already a free allocation with the desired size, so we replace the line with
let mem_then = mem_1
. Then, we update the allocs so it contains (mem_then,
. On the next line, line 9, we update the free-list to contain the
last-use of res
Now the question is, what useful information can we return to the outside function?
Will it make it easier to handle blocks like this if I rewrote lastUses
to apply
to a Body
Perhaps Cosmins idea of a LastUses
lore isn't so bad? Maybe it would be easier
to walk through the program and keep track of the freelist using such a lore? I
would still need a mapping from array to memory block to know which memory
blocks are free (since I don't think his LastUses
lore does a better job than
my last-use analysis, but I may be wrong). However, I'm only really interested
in last-uses of memory blocks (though that necessitates keeping track of the
corresponding arrays).
I'll need to think about this more tomorrow.